周墨枫(这是啥玩意?)(What is this? )
超级系统(这个人体质不一般啊,应该是狂躁的体质吧,)(This person's physique is not ordinary, it should be arrogant physique,)
周墨枫(?这是狂躁?这不是变魔术?)(? This is mania? It's not magic? )
超级系统(可能他还修炼了什么神功……)(Maybe he has also practiced some magical skills,)
打工人(你们都让开~)(You all get out of the way ~)
(白虎城的士兵冲了上去想压制住鬓微霜可是鬓微霜力气太大……白虎城的士兵都被甩飞了)(The soldiers of White Tiger City rushed up and tried to suppress the micro-cream, but the strength of the micro-cream was too great, The soldiers of White Tiger City were all flying.)
周墨枫(系统,有没有什么东西可以压制住他的?让他这样下去也不是办法啊)(System, is there anything that can suppress him? It is not a way to let him go on like this)
超级系统(冰封棺材!把他关进去冷静冷静)(Frozen coffin! (Put him in. Calm down.)
周墨枫(我怎么还有棺材?算了不管了,贝贝给我按住他)(Why do I still have a coffin? Forget it, babe. Hold him down
贝贝(行!) Row
(贝贝虽然化成人性但是实力还在,一巴掌把鬓微霜拍在地上)(Beibei is turned into human nature but the strength is still there, slap the slap in the face of the micro-cream on the ground)
周墨枫给我进来吧!Come on in!
本章完End of this chapter