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1. 你把我好友加回来又能怎么样。。。还是一样的结果。。。是我指望的太多了。。。

What if you add my friends back... The same result... I was expecting too much...

2. 我喜欢你又怎样,你会回来么?

What if I like you? Will you come back?

3. 为什么我会影响你的情绪,你不是说不喜欢我么?

Why do I affect your mood? Don't you say you don't like me?

4. 都是善于伪装的人,但是,好像你不擅长观察,反而我善于观察。

Are good at camouflage people, but, as if you are not good at observation, but I am good at observation.

5. 没有心,意味着没有良心,那么,给你一把刀,你会去杀无辜的人吗?你不会吧?但我会。

No heart means no conscience. So, give you a knife, will you kill innocent people? You won't, will you? But I will.

6. 不要说有心没心,你不过是不与你的内心交流,我是真的没心,因为它碎了。

Don't say there is a heart but no heart, you just don't communicate with your heart, I really have no heart, because it is broken.

7. 你若无心,那么,我就是恶魔喽?

If you don't, then I am the devil?

8. 关于我的事,你知道的太少太少,但比起别人,你知道的很多,但那又怎样?你不还是走了吗?

You know too little about me, but you know a lot more than others, but so what? Don't you still go?

9. 别给我发句号,别给我扯什么不知道,不知道就去找答案,我以前也是胆小鬼,一直逃避,但我知道,逃避什么也解决不了,不过是弱者的自我安慰。

Don't give me a full stop. Don't tell me what you don't know. If you don't know, you'll find the answer. I used to be a coward, and I've been running away from it. But I know that nothing can be avoided. It's just the self comfort of the weak.



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