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本书标签: 轻小说  丧句 







1. 猫与老鼠的“游戏”我从未输过,你觉得,你能玩的过我吗?

I have never lost the game of cat and mouse. Do you think you can play me?

2. 不要以为你看我QQ空间我不知道,不要以为你隐藏的很好,我不过不想让你难堪。

Don't think you see my QQ space I don't know, don't think you hide very well, but I don't want to embarrass you.

3. 这个“游戏”我玩了一年了,你猜猜我有没有输过。

I've been playing this game for a year. Guess if I've lost.

4. 你觉得你把我删了,就能躲得过去吗?

Do you think you can avoid me if you delete me?

5. 离不开我的世界就回来,何必苦了自己?不过…我接受你的日期,仅限于七夕节之前,因为这是你答应我的第一个要求。

Cannot leave my world to come back, why suffer oneself? But I accept your date only before the Chinese Valentine's day, because this is the first request you promised me.

6. 你觉得,我会让骗我的人好过吗?

Do you think I'll make it easier for people who cheat me?

7. 同为丧人,我能做出什么事,你应该清楚。

You should know what I can do for bereavement.

8. 我的“小老鼠”你觉得,你能躲过我吗?

My little mouse, do you think you can avoid me?

9. 你会因为不敢玩,而逃离这个“游戏”呢?还是,陪我玩玩呢?

Would you run away from the game because you didn't dare to play? Or play with me?



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