谁执落叶,渲染满地秋霜,一叶枯黄 谁念炙夏,映帘满塘荷香,一叶清凉 谁触青春,惊扰百花齐放,一叶浓妆 谁媚飞雪,飘摇寒梅无央,一叶冰霜 谁慕英雄,拯救万世沧桑,一世无双 谁持琉璃,颠沛半世红装,一世凄殇 谁仰风华,倾尽三世景仰,一世悲怆 谁拥江山,及尽大世风光,一世飞扬 谁痴真情,流露写意温柔,一生守候 谁弹凄曲,潇煞一段良奏,一生愧疚 谁问情仇,空流九千诬谬,一生念忧 谁掌善恶,拨乱诛煞罗休,一生赎救 谁愿心心相恋,谁愿生生相念 谁愿魂梦相连,谁愿携手百年
Who holds the fallen leaves, exaggerates the autumn frost on the ground, a withered and yellow leaf reads the summer, reflects the lotus fragrance on the curtain, a cool leaf touches the youth, startles the blooming flowers, a heavy makeup leaf flatters the flying snow, the fluttering plum blossom has no center, a frost leaf admires the hero, saves the vicissitudes of the world, a unique one holds the glass, a half life red dress, a sad one admires the splendor, a third life admires, and a sad one He who embraces rivers and mountains, and makes the most of the world's scenery, who is infatuated with the true feelings, who shows his gentle freehand brushwork, who is waiting for in his life to play sad songs, who plays a good part in Xiaosha, who is guilty in his life to ask for love and hatred, who is wrong in the air, who is worried about good and evil in his life, and who casts chaos to punish Luoxiu
Who is willing to love each other, who is willing to read each other, who is willing to connect the soul and dream, who is willing to join hands for a hundred years
敛我一世颠狂,从此只愿与你尘世安祥,不再彷徨。 弃我一世繁华,从此只愿与你闲品粗茶,墨画桑麻。 累我一世执念,从此只愿与你结绳相恋,岁月静浅。 倾我一世痴缠,从此只愿与你并肩共看,灯火阑珊。 积我一世明德,从此只愿与你筝瑟琴和,泛舟采荷。 安我一世沉浮,从此只愿与你朝耕炊暮,乡友邻睦。
I've been crazy all my life. From then on, I just want to be at peace with you and never feel like I'm lost. Abandon me a prosperous life, from now on only willing to idle with you taste rough tea, ink painting mulberry hemp. Tired of my life obsession, from now on only willing to tie a rope with you, years of quiet shallow. I've been obsessed all my life, and I'm only willing to watch with you side by side, the lights are fading. From now on, I only want to play zither with you and go boating to pick lotus. An I ups and downs of life, from now on only wish to work with you toward the evening of farming and cooking, good neighborly friends.
我一个人走过万水千山,从没觉得孤独。 开始觉得孤独,那是到长安之后的事了。 每个人的心里都有一座长安城。 我花了一辈子,才弄清楚自己其实从没到过那里。
I've been through thousands of rivers and mountains by myself, and I've never felt lonely. I began to feel lonely. It was after I arrived in Chang'an. Everyone has a Chang'an City in their heart. It took me a lifetime to figure out that I had never been there.