话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > exo:花的世界(英语)
本书标签: 明星同人  EXO  女尊     

Chapter 8(第八章)


Because of the Wulong incident, I got to know Wu Shixun。 At the same time, I got to know that my mentor had two sons(也因为那件乌龙事件让自己认识了吴世勋,同时也让自己知道了原来自己恩师竟然有俩个儿子)

Wu Shihun is the youngest son whose mentor never mentioned to him, and also his younger brother(而吴世勋就是自己恩师从未跟自己提起过的小儿子,同时也是自己的学弟)

―― recollection ――(――回忆――)

李智恩No worries,can you pick up my cousin for me?(无忧,你能帮我去接我表弟吗?)

Originally sitting at the computer desk, I moved my eyes from the computer, turned around and looked at Li Zhien curiously,wondering why she didn't pick up her cousin herself(原本坐在电脑桌旁的我将视线从电脑上移了过来扭头好奇地看着李智恩,疑惑她为什么不自己去接她表弟)

许无忧Why don't you pick up your cousin yourself?(你为什么不自己去接你表弟?)

李智恩I'd like to pick it up, too。 But I've already made an appointment with my boyfriend to go to the amusement park today~(我也想去接呀~可是我早就和我男朋友约好了今天要一起去游乐园玩的~)

我有些犹豫,毕竟自己的论文还没有写完,李智恩像是看出了我的犹豫不决,半蹲着身体拽着我的手臂左右摇晃,撒娇道(I have some hesitation。After all, my thesis hasn't been finished yet。 Li Zhien seems to see my hesitation。 He squats and drags my arm and shakes it left and right, coquetting)



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