话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > exo:花的世界(英语)
本书标签: 明星同人  EXO  女尊     

Chapter 7(第七章)


Zhu she looked at me in surprise when she saw my appearance and shouted(珠泫看到我这幅模样吃惊的看着我,吼道)

裴珠泫no You tell me whether you like him or not?!Don't even know?!(不是吧!你告诉我你究竟喜不喜欢他啊?!连这都不知道?!)

I felt the back cervical vertebra, lowered my head and circled with my feet(我不好意思的摸了摸后颈椎,低着头用脚划圈圈)

许无忧You don't know me, I don't have the time to investigate his favorite flowers...(你又不是不知道我,我哪有这闲工夫去特意调查他喜欢的花啊...)

裴珠泫oh my god! He is the one you like。 Shouldn't you investigate him thoroughly?!(我的天!他是你喜欢的人你难道不应该把他调查个透吗?!)

Before she could answer me, she helplessly held her hand on her forehead and waved at me(珠泫还不等我回答,便无奈地一手扶着额头一手朝我摆手)

裴珠泫Forget it, After all, it's good that you are a speechless person who can have someone you like。(算了算了,毕竟你这个宅到无语的人能有个喜欢的人就算不错的了。)

I felt the back of my head angrily and smiled。 After all, Zhu said it was really good, and he really lived in a place where people were speechless。 In fact, he liked Wu Shixun purely because of a Wulong incident(我悻悻然的摸着后脑勺朝珠泫笑了笑,毕竟珠泫说的确实不错,自己确实宅到了让人无语的地步了,其实自己喜欢上吴世勋纯粹是因为一件乌龙事件)



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