1 壹:单身狗的憔悴(The single) 2020-02-13
2 贰:学渣的逆袭(Counter attack) 2020-02-13
3 叁:拿钥匙(Taking the key) 2020-02-20
4 肆:暗恋是一个人的兵荒马乱(the secret) 2020-02-20
5 伍:诗朗诵(Poetry) 2020-02-20
6 陆:误会(Misunderstanding) 2020-02-20
7 柒:青梅竹马(Childhood sweetheart) 2020-02-21
8 捌:餐厅偶遇(Encounter) 2020-02-22
9 玖:篮球赛(Basketball games) 2020-02-22
10 拾:原来她只是表妹(Just cousin) 2020-02-22
11 拾壹:暗恋史上的里程碑(Milestone) 2020-02-23
12 拾贰:别出心裁的偶遇(一)(By chance) 2020-02-27
13 拾叁:别出心裁的偶遇(二)(By chance) 2020-02-29
14 拾肆:自己解决(Solve it myself) 2020-02-29
15 拾伍:谢梓佳的质问(Question) 2020-03-01
16 拾陆:初夏生病了(Sicking) 2020-03-02
17 拾柒:回忆(一)(Memory) 2020-03-07
18 拾捌:回忆(二)(Memory) 2020-03-25
19 拾玖:雨中漫步(walking in the rain) 2020-03-29
20 贰拾:图书馆奇遇记(library tour) 2020-07-31
21 贰拾壹:一见钟情的喜欢(fall in love ) 2020-08-12