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30 Something about me (1)


Numerous beings exist in this noisy busy world. If you are not careful enough, you will be influenced by distractions, and your mind will deteriorate. Do not forget the beginner’s mind, and you will reach a brighter end.

I am the best, at least this has been in my mind before that year. I have been the best in the school, the best among my peers, and the best in my world. Everything went well, until that year. In the middle of my elementary years, I went to the US with my mom for the first time. It was a one-year trip that changed my life completely, although I didn’t remember it so much. I didn’t even remember how I get on the plane and landed here. But I remembered one thing, that is, I am not the best anymore. In other words, the styles, the rules, and the world were not the same. The people were acting strange, and the living habits were different, but I finally realized that I am the one that didn’t fit in this world. I started to study their habits and minds.

Although at that time I didn’t really understand what this meant, I remembered that this period of time was the most yearn time for me. I realized the human rights that deep in my soul which was never been important before. Just like puncture a film, I could finally see how things should be, how magnanimous people are, and how beautiful the world can be. Things were simple, pure, and full of excitement. I felt like this was the first day I met myself and the first time I could live as myself.

After one year, I went back to my country and to friends in my hometown. Things did not change, and the days went as usual. But I noticed that I had changed. I did not mean that they were wrong or criticized their numb. Our minds were just not the same, and I could not stop thinking about the days I spent in the US. In retrospect, I felt like that was my hometown, so I began to change.

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