等养母赶到时,只见叶天枫倒在地上生死不明,在他的旁边,是一个身穿黑袍的黑人。“Son of a bitch, what did you do to my son! I'll kill you!”(狗东西,你把我儿子怎么了!我杀了你!)养母已经崩溃了,她的丈夫刚刚死去,现在儿子也生死不明,她不知道该怎么面对接下来的生活。她举起手枪对准这家伙的脑袋,刚要扣下扳机,黑人便大喊着:“Don't shoot! Don't shoot! I can cure him! As long as you let me go!”(别开枪!别开枪!我可以治好他!只要你放过我!)“I hope so. Now, heal my son immediately! You don't want a hole in your head.”(但愿如此,现在,立刻医治我的儿子!你不会希望脑袋上有个洞的)
他迅速跑到仓库里拿来了一套完整的手术工具,缝合了叶天枫头部的伤口,并缠上了几层纱布,随即跪了下来:“I've done everything I can. Please don't kill me, I really didn't mean to.”(我能做的我都做了,请你不要杀我,我真的不是故意的)“Don't talk nonsense here. Didn't you mean to beat my son like this? You'd better explain it clearly, otherwise you won't have a good end. I'll chop you up and feed you to those crazy people.”(别在这瞎扯,你把我的儿子打成这样你不是故意的?你最好解释清楚,否则你没有好下场,我会把你剁碎喂给那群疯子)“Okay, okay, I said, I said... I'm the owner of this store. I usually like to study some medical knowledge, so I bought some medical supplies here. After the outbreak of the virus, my wife mutated, so I took my daughter to hide here. Before closing the door, you broke in. In order to protect my child, I had to do this...”(好的,好的,我说,我说……我是这家商店的老板,平时喜欢钻研点医学知识,便买了些医疗用品在这。病毒爆发后我的妻子变异了,我便带着我的女儿躲到了这,还没来得及关门你们就闯了进来,为了保护我的孩子我只能这么做…)
养母听完,放下了枪,但仍充满警惕得问道:“Where is your daughter?”(你的女儿在哪?)“No, no, don't hurt my daughter, she is only 5 years old!”(不,不,别伤害我的女儿,她才5岁!)
这时,一个小女孩缓缓从仓库中探出头来:“Dad, are you playing with Aunt Ellie?”(爸爸,你在跟艾丽阿姨玩吗?)