话本小说网 > 轻小说 > 雅各布上校(英文)
本书标签: 轻小说 



One day in 1932, I'm Diana, the wife of Major General Jacob. What a tumultuous day it was! Our son, Little Johnum, wrote a self-criticism that really set things off. Oh dear, it was astonishing! He had the audacity to directly oppose his father's viewpoints in that writing. And he even admitted that all the previous papers he wrote were forced, not what he truly believed. When Jacob read that, he was fuming with rage.

That night, Jacob and I locked Little Johnum in a room. The terrifying screams from that room were heart-wrenching. I have to admit, though, Little Johnum was quite brave to stand up against his father like that.

Little Johnum was let out not long after, but he remained stubborn as ever. After discussing with Jacob, we decided to call in some Dutch soldiers and take Little Johnum out for a mock execution training. To be honest, I thought this was crazy. But I was also extremely angry with Little Johnum's behavior.

I was caught in the middle of all this chaos. I was furious at Little Johnum, but at the same time, I felt a bit torn. After all, he's our child. But his actions were just too much.

Well, that was an insane day in our household. I truly hope that things will eventually settle down and Little Johnum will come to his senses. But that day surely left a deep scar on all of us.

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