"The Robbery Plan of Malfoy Yang and Lock Yang
In the winter of 1920, on the outskirts of Dutch Sint Maarten, the two brothers, Malfoy Yang and Lock Yang, boldly embarked on a meticulously planned scheme to rob the largest bank in Dutch Sint Maarten.
Firstly, they conducted extensive reconnaissance on the bank's layout, security measures, and the work schedules of the staff. They observed the opening and closing times of the bank, determined the positions of the security guards, and noted the locations of the sentry posts. This information was crucial for formulating subsequent strategies.
To enter the bank, they planned to disguise themselves as maintenance workers. They procured appropriate uniforms and tools to blend in perfectly. Once inside, they would utilize their knowledge of the building's structure to head towards the vault.
They also formulated strategies to deal with potential obstacles. In case of encountering security guards, they had devised diversionary tactics to create confusion and gain the upper hand. They had prepared smoke bombs and distractions to bewilder the guards and create opportunities for themselves to reach the target.
In terms of the actual robbery, they planned to use advanced lock-picking tools and explosives to access the vault. They had studied the types of locks and security systems in place and ensured they had the necessary equipment to overcome them.
After successfully obtaining the loot, their escape plan included a pre-arranged getaway vehicle hidden nearby. They had mapped out multiple escape routes to evade any possible pursuit by the authorities. "