话本小说网 > 轻小说 > 雅各布上校(英文)
本书标签: 轻小说 



It was the spring of 1920, and Colonel Jacob of the Netherlands decided to go on an incognito visit to Dutch Guiana. Little did he know that this adventure would lead to a series of hilarious misunderstandings that would become the talk of the town.

Colonel Jacob, dressed in plain clothes, set off on his journey with high hopes of understanding the true situation of the place. But as fate would have it, his attempts to blend in ended up causing chaos.

One day, while walking along a busy street, he stopped to admire a local handicraft. The vendor, seeing his interest, assumed he was just another bargain-hunter and started haggling with him fiercely. Poor Colonel Jacob, trying to explain that he was just looking, was completely misunderstood and the vendor became even more insistent.

Another time, he entered a local tavern to get a feel of the place. As he sat down, a group of rowdy men mistook him for a rival and started throwing insults his way. Jacob tried to calm the situation, but his words only seemed to fan the flames and before he knew it, a full-blown argument had erupted.

Even worse, when he returned to his temporary residence one evening, his wife Diana and their two-year-old son Johnum were there waiting for him. Diana, not recognizing her husband in his simple disguise, accused him of being a strange man and threatened to call the authorities. Little Johnum, too, started crying, scared of this unfamiliar figure.

The misunderstandings continued throughout his visit, turning what was supposed to be a serious fact-finding mission into a series of laughable incidents. But in the end, despite all the chaos and confusion, Colonel Jacob managed to gain a unique perspective on the place and returned home with a story to tell for a lifetime.

The next day, Colonel Jacob arrived there in his military uniform. Before he could even open his mouth, the vendor handed him the handicraft from yesterday and hoped that Colonel Jacob wouldn't hold a grudge. Colonel Jacob then went to the tavern from the previous day. When the group of rowdy men saw him in his officer's attire, they were extremely frightened. Colonel Jacob ordered a group of Dutch soldiers under his command to arrest them all. Finally, this farce came to an end.

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