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In the vibrant spring of 1919, a momentous event unfolded in Rotterdam. Colonel Jacob took to the stage with a heart ablaze and a voice that carried the spirit of unity and patriotism. His words rang out, passionate and resolute, calling upon the good people of Rotterdam to stand with him in unwavering support for our beloved Netherlands.

Dear friends and fellow citizens of Rotterdam, today I stand before you with a fire in my soul and a vision for our nation. We are at a crossroads, a moment that demands our collective strength and determination. Our beautiful Netherlands, with its rich history and proud heritage, deserves our unwavering dedication.

Let us look beyond the boundaries of our own city and embrace our brothers and sisters in The Hague. Together, we form the beating heart of this great nation. We must stand united, for our cause is just and our purpose noble.

Our mission is clear: to reclaim all the overseas territories that rightfully belong to the Netherlands. These lands are not just pieces of land on a map; they are an integral part of our identity, a testament to our past glories and a promise for a prosperous future.

Imagine a Netherlands where our influence spreads far and wide, where our flag waves proudly over every inch of our rightful territory. This is not a dream but a goal within our reach. But it can only be achieved if we stand together, shoulder to shoulder, as one people.

Let us not be deterred by the challenges that lie ahead. Let us not be divided by differences. For we are all Dutch, and our love for our country knows no bounds.

So, my dear Rotterdamians, join me in this noble cause. Let our voices be heard, let our actions speak louder than words. Together, we will support our Netherlands, and together, we will ensure a future filled with hope, prosperity, and pride.

Let the spirit of unity ignite within us, and let our resolve shine bright like the sun. For our Netherlands, for our future, for our pride!

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