话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 爱在紫荆花盛开
本书标签: 现代 




If someone doesn't approve of you, the way you are, you can perhaps try to change some aspects of yourself in order to win their approval, but chances are they'll just find something else to criticize because that's just what they do. They just like to criticize.


So no matter what you do, they're likely going to find something else to criticize, so forget about it, and even if you can win their approval, that's just going to be someone else who doesn't approve, and you will never please everyone.


So just allow others to have their opinions. You don't have to agree with them. You don't have to accept what they say. All you're doing is recognizing that they have the right to think, whatever they want to think.


All you're doing is respecting that freedom, and it's such a liberating thing when you begin to do this, when you give up needing to have other people's approval or needing to control what others think of you. You find your own freedom in that.


And what you also find is that most people who don't like you are really struggling to like themselves.


They may be deeply miserable and bitter, but as soon as you let go of the need for them to like you, you find a certain level of peace in that, and they can say whatever they want and it only affects them. It doesn't have to affect you at all.


You just go on with your life doing what you do and don't be bordered by it.


And when you do, you stop caring what other people think and life is so much more pleasant that way. You became free to do so much more, to do what you feel passionate and inspired to do, and share your gifts, your creativity, your compassion, and anyone who doesn't appreciate that, that's their loss, you let them worry about that.




Don't stop, never stop learning. Always reach out to be better yourself, because when you do that, things expand.


This old saying that if you don't use it, you lose it, it's absolutely true.


If you don't use that brain that god put in your head, one of these days, you'll be sitting on a front porch somewhere, and you don't hardly know what's going on.


So, don't, don't give up. If times are hard, good things or bad things last forever.


But most generally, we're in control of our own destiny. And when I say that, I mean this. If you're not getting ahead, you need to do something to allow yourself to get ahead.


For example, if you want a good job, if you want to ensure future, you have to have something to offer a prospective employer.


Now, I'm not saying you need a PhD or a master degree, but you do have to have something to offer.





You have a new message from an ancient treasure.


This imposing richly ornamented figure hides a secret that only the wise can interpret.


This national treasure tells of two young hearts beating in unison and of a state remaining true to its aspirations.


At sunset, three thousand years ago, two youths watched their shadows lengthening.


One of them would build a city that prospers to this day; the other would forge a bronze vessel that has survived a dozen dynasties.


Their fathers had fought together to establish a new dynasty -Zhou.


One of the young people was the new king -Cheng of Zhou; the other was He- his cousin.


The new king was ten years old when he ascended the throne, but he was fortunate because he had the support of his uncle -the Duke of Zhou, a man later praised by the Confucius himself for his statesmanship.

这位新王登基时只有十岁,但他很幸运,因为他得到了他的叔叔周公的支持—— 一位令后世孔子都遵从的儒学先驱。


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