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"How can you tell a child to be good in the rain?"


"The rain is so heavy that we can't go back."


"The days when a person holds an umbrella should be smooth."


"It's no fun to send umbrellas when the rain stops."


"Every cloud is full of secrets, and when it can't hide, it rains."


"Some people wait for the misty rain, some people blame the rain, some people are waiting for the umbrella, some people are waiting for the rain to stop."


"Every time I close my umbrella on a rainy day, I feel like a magician who can shake off the stars all over the ground."


"The rain must be very sad. Everyone is avoiding it."


"The next time you look down at the puddles with an umbrella, you will remember that I said that rain is the fireworks of God."


"Rain is noise, rain is shouting, rain is the sadness of the world rolling down."


"It was raining outside. I looked up and told God that I wanted to fall in love. God had no rain in an instant."

“我不喜欢下雨, 但是我喜欢下雨的声音。”

"I don't like rain, but I like the sound of rain."


"Some people are trapped in the rain, while others enjoy the rain."


"The most beautiful thing is not the rainy day, but the eaves that have escaped the rain with you."

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