“你是晚夏遗留在深海里的星星 想把我所有的温柔都碾碎了撒给你”
"You are the star left in the deep sea in the late summer, and I want to crush all my tenderness and scatter it to you."
“宇宙是个玻璃瓶 里面装着萤火虫 我拎着星星去找你 我的宇宙为你藏有无数个温柔星球”
"The universe is a glass bottle with fireflies in it. I carry the stars to find you. My universe hides countless gentle planets for you."
“温柔的月亮被揉碎成一撮星星 融化在你的眼睛里”
"The gentle moon is crushed into a handful of stars and melts in your eyes."
“星与月 你与我 都被隐匿在天宇中 凭爱意 相互牵连”
"The stars and the moon, you and I, are hidden in the sky, linked by love."
“月亮是我抛的硬币 两面都是梦见你”
"The moon is a coin I flip, dreaming of you on both sides."
“把全世界最美的烟花绽放在你面前 让星星一颗一颗环绕在你身边”
"Put the most beautiful fireworks in the world in front of you and let the stars surround you one by one."
“你是藏在云层里的月亮 也是我穷极一生寻找的宝藏”
"You are the moon hidden in the clouds and the treasure I have been searching for all my life."
“星星醉酒到处跑 月亮跌进深海里 我从未觉得人间美好 直到你来了”
"The stars ran around drunk and the moon fell into the deep sea. I never thought the world was good until you came."
"In my pocket is the star that escaped from your castle."
"One day I will only watch the sunset and starlight with you."
“原来温柔的人不知头顶会长满小星星 他饱含柔情的看向喜欢的人时 眼里也布满了星辰”
"The original gentle person does not know that the top of his head will be covered with small stars, he is full of tenderness to look at the person he likes, his eyes are also full of stars."
“我会带着月亮的温柔和星星的光亮 顺着银河悄悄的溜进你的梦里”
"I will slip into your dreams with the tenderness of the moon and the light of the stars along the Milky Way."