孙语薇回忆起了小时候跟爸爸在一起的生活,那时候也没有多富裕 ,小时候贪玩啊,那个时候自己的学习并不好,每天都在想着咋样玩,后来被爸爸说了一顿我要是不好好学,爸爸打了我一顿,而爸爸就自己在我不知道的时候gui着。那也是后来我考上了高中,出去了,妈妈才跟我说这件事的。妈妈并不忍心我爸爸这样,但爸爸却很执着。妈妈也管不了就没有在管了。家里条件稍微好一点,我爸爸买了电视但我很少能看着,毕竟我爸爸不让,我爸爸就是那种特别不会表达爱的人,但无时无刻都让我感觉到家的温柔,家永远是我的避风港,直到我爸爸去世,在这之前我并没有陪在我爸爸身边常回家看看我却没有做到
任何人物Doctor: How does Sun Yuwei feel?(医生:孙语薇感觉怎么样)
孙语薇Not bad, not particularly painful.(还不错,不是特别疼)
任何人物Doctor: Let's have chemotherapy today.(医生:今天化疗一次吧)
孙语薇Does chemotherapy hurt?(化疗疼吗?)
任何人物Doctor: Chemotherapy for gastric cancer is generally not very painful. After chemotherapy, patients with gastric cancer will have mild pain, which can be tolerated by most people. Common adverse reactions include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and some patients may also have symptoms such as stomatitis and enteritis. Blood tests may lead to the decrease of white blood cells and platelets, as well as liver and kidney functions and disorders. During chemotherapy, it is necessary to check the blood routine and liver and kidney function regularly, and at the same time, it is necessary to give antiemetic drugs and nutritional support drugs under the guidance of doctors, such as metoclopramide, tea benjamin tablets, domperidone and vitamin B6. Avoid drug-induced physical decline of patients, which will affect the survival time.(医生:胃癌化疗一般不会很痛苦。胃癌患者化疗以后会出现轻轻的痛苦,一般人都可以忍受,常见的不良反应有恶心、呕吐、食欲减退,部分患者还可出现口腔炎、肠炎等症状,血液检查可能会出现白细胞,血小板的减少,以及肝肾功能和障碍等。在化疗期间需要定期复查血常规和肝肾功能 同时需要在医生的指导下给予止吐的药物以及荟养支持药物治疗,如甲氧氯普胺、茶苯海明片、多潘立酮、维生素B6等。避免药物导致患者体质下降,而影响到生存期。)
孙语薇So should I go to chemotherapy now?(那我现在就去化疗吗?)
任何人物Doctor: Yes.(医生:可以)