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本书标签: 校园 



Interpretation is to conceal the fact that it is true; Interpretation is to conceal the fact that it is the beginning of all evils. Let me tell you what is interpretation. Interpretation is to explain the cause of physical change or the relationship between things or the law of development of things through observation and reflection. In order to hide, what is concealed is the fact. The fact is the beginning of evil. Human beings like to conceal, which is the greatest sorrow of human beings.

解释就是掩饰 掩饰就是事实 事实就是确有其事; 解释就是掩饰 掩饰就是事实 事实就是万恶的开始,我来告诉你什么叫做解释,解释就是通过观察和思考,说明实物变化的原因或事物之间的联系或事物发展的规律,你解释就是为了掩饰,掩饰的就是事实,事实就是罪恶的开始,人类喜欢掩饰,正是人类最大的悲哀。

No matter where you go, you should remember that the past is false. Memory is a road with no end. All the past spring can not be recovered. Even the most frantic and tough love, in the final analysis, is just a fleeting reality, only loneliness and eternity.


无人陪我立黄昏,无人问我粥可温。无人与我捻熄灯,无人共我书半生。 无人寻我雪有痕,无人待我情自深。无人与我共长生,无人念我酒自醒。无人愿我歌罢唱,无人喜我悲与欢。无人为我拭泪眼,无人共我并欢颜。无人与我把酒分,无人告我夜已深。无人伴我赏明月,无人随我天涯奔。

No one to accompany me at dusk, no one asked me porridge can be warm. No one turns off the light with me, no one shares my book half my life No one's looking for me, no one's looking for me. No one will live with me, no one will read my wine and wake up. No one wants me to stop singing, no one likes me to be sad and happy. No one to wipe my tears, no one to share me and smile. No one to share the wine with me, no one to sue me late at night. No one accompanied me to enjoy the bright moon, no one with my horizon run.

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