美好的寒假……(Wonderful winter vacation……)
在于漫无止境的网课……(It lies in the endless online classes……)
在于堆积如山的作业……(It's the mountain of homework……)
在于对随时返校补课的担惊受怕……(It lies in the fear of going back to school to make up lessons at any time……)
在于老师即将提问时的心惊胆战与拜鬼求神……(It lies in the teacher's fear and worship of ghosts and gods when he is about to ask questions……)
在于回答问题时五花八门的答案……(It lies in the variety of answers to questions.……)
在于打瞌睡的课堂……(Lies in a dozing class…….)
在于深夜赶作业到凌晨的痛苦……(The pain of catching up with homework late at night and early in the morning.……)
在于第二天要早起上早自习的迷糊……(The confusion of having to get up early for morning self-study the next day.……)
在于十分钟的早餐时间一到,吃到一半就上课桌上残留下来的食物……(As soon as the 10-minute breakfast is over, the leftover food on the desk is eaten in the middle.……)
在于上课时咕咕叫的肚子……(It's the stomach that growls in class.……)
在于中午午休都被占用考试的愤懑不平……(The indignation that the lunch break was taken up at noon.……)
在于想写小说却根本没时间的无奈与痛苦!!!(It lies in the helplessness and pain of wanting to write a novel but having no time at all!!!)