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本书标签: 校园  中药  化学     



出国留学to study abroad

缓解就业压力to alleviate employment pressure中专生 students of secondary technical school 海外留学生overseas student; international student

护大招生人数to enlarge school enrollment 文盲illiteracy; illiterate cruits 继续教育continuing/further education

升学率 proportion of students entering schools 终身学习life-long learning of a higher grade 自学考试selfe study examination

高分低能high scores and low abilities 夜间大学evening university

填鸭式教学cramming method of teaching 电视大学open university

培训班training class 成人夜校night school for adults 职进修班on job training courses

住校生boarder 远程学习distance learning

课外活动extra curricular activity 充电to update one

必修课required/ compulsory course

教育界education circle选修课elective/optional course 教育投入input in education

教育公平faimess/ eoualitvin education

基础课basiccourse专业课specialized course 教育资源education resource

专业知识specialized knowledge 教师资源teacher resource

开设课程to offer a course 分配不均衡unevenly distributed/ allocated

课程表school schedule 教学设施teaching facility

教学大纲teaching program; syllabus 缩小城乡教育差距 tobridge/narrow the educational gap between rural and urban areas

学分制credit system补考make…up examination 辍学率dropout rate

科技发展scientificand technological advance 信息时代information age/development

信息爆炸information explosion高科技产品hich-techoroduct

新兴学科emerging discipline生物技术bio-technology 电子设备electronic device

克隆cloning 智能手机smart phone; intelligent handset

基因工程genetic engineering 创新innovation

空间实验室space laboratory 研发research and development


核心技术core technology卫星satellite 电讯tele communication


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