森林公园forest park 运输工具means of transportation
自然保护区naturere serve 公共交通public transport
自然景观natural scenery 地铁站subway station
壮丽河山magnificent scenery 候车室waiting room
淡水湖fresh water lake 护照passport
古典山水园林classical landscape garden 签证有效期validity of visa
皇家园林royal garden 散客individual visitor
团体游客group visitor
中外游客tourists from home and abroad游乐园amusement park
气候climate 沙尘天气sandand dust weather
环境保护environmental protection 提高全民环保意识 to raise environmental aware
环境问题environmental problem/issue
环境污染environmental pollution
节能减排energy saving and emission reduction;污染物pollutant; energy conservation and emission reduction
全球变暖global warming
温室效应green house effect
废水waste water ;polluted water trol
废气polluted gas; exhaust gas 环保产品environment friendly product
白色污染white pollution 一次性产品disposable product
垃圾分类garbage classification
高能耗产业energy intensive industry生态环境the ecological environment 可回收的recyclable
水土流失water loss and soilerosion 不可回收的unrecyclable
保持water and soil conservation 处理to dispose
雨量rain fall
低碳城市化道路way of low carbonur banization物种灭绝the extinction of species 城市化urbanization
濒临灭绝/失传 to be on the vergeo fextinction
先污染后治理to exert control after pollution碳减排carbon emission reduction loss
温室气体green house of gas emission 珍稀濒危物种 rare and endangered species
二氧化碳car bondioxide
稀有物种rare species新能源汽车green car 防护林带shelter belt
汽车尾气 motor vehicle exhaust 森林覆盖率 forest coverage rate
改善土壤soil improvement
动机排量engine displacement 零排放车辆zero emission vehicle
地质灾害geological disaster小排量汽车small displacement car 资源灾难 trage; disaster
枯竭depletion of resources 不幸misfortune
能源危机energy crisis 伤亡人员casualty
原油crude oil 死亡人数death toll
油价飙升oil prices surge可替代能源alternative energy
火山爆发volcanice ruption清洁能源clean energy 地震earth quake
新型能源new type energy 洪水flood
回收利用to recycle 干旱drought