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本书标签: 幻想 



一,健忘和笑点低 真是幸福生活的标配.

Forgetfulness and low laughter are really the standard for a happy life.


Who would understand your three views without facial features.

三,背后藏的是生活 嘴角咧开的美好.

Behind it is the beauty of life's mouth.

四,去吹吹夏日晚风吧 也许会遇见浪漫.

Go blow the summer evening wind and maybe meet romance.

五,你要做冲出的黑马 而不是坠落的星星.

You have to be a dark horse, not a falling star.


You're the party I can't stop at sunset.


Go to every mountain and sea with dreams and distance.


Close the curtains, darken the room, go to sleep, wake up just as the sun is rising, the sun is shining


Protracted is not easy. The beauty of everything is that there is no time to go bad


May you meet your good day in the near future

十一,只要心中充满阳光 每一个日子都能过得滚烫

As long as the heart is full of sunshine, every day can be hot

十二,日落之前 向前跑

Run forward before sunset

十三,开心也是一天 难过也是一天 倒不如让每一天都过得开心快乐

Happy is also a day sad is also a day might as well let every day live happily


The beauty of sunrise is that it is born out of the deepest darkness.


I hope that people who understand me can always be by my side.

十六,公主的眼睛甚是好看 有风有月有星星 亦有我

The princess's eyes are very beautiful. There are wind, moon, stars and me


The stars that were hiding were also trying to shine

十八,我仰望阳光 却感觉到自己向着巨大的深渊坠落.

I look up at the sun and I feel myself falling into the great abyss.

十九,你不要说我喜欢你 你要说这夏夜的月色真美丽.

Don't say I like you. You say the moonlight is beautiful this summer night.

二十,抱怨是在描述你不要的东西 而不是你要的东西.

Complaining is describing what you don't want, not what you want.

二十一,在很多人看来 失败是可耻的 但其实 失败才是常态.

In the eyes of many people, failure is shameful, but in fact, failure is the norm.

二十二,一个人至少拥有一个梦想 有一个理由去坚强 心若没有息栖的地方 到哪里都是在流浪.

A person has at least one dream, and there is a reason to be strong. If there is no habitat, everywhere is wandering.

二十三,如果全世界都对你恶语相向 我就对你说上一世情话

If the whole world says bad things about you, I'll say last-life things to you。


Always thought the world was long, there was plenty of time to save and forgive.


I don't know much about gentleness. but there is a word for doing my best。

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