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On summer nights, I always like the breeze and the sunset.”


I hope to sit on the swing by the sea with you, and blow the sun.

“我的院子里有四万万朵玫瑰花 ,每天清晨,我捧一本书坐在院子里,路过的路人都会称赞我的玫瑰,也有想要折去一两朵的,我通通不理不睬 。


“不论你活成什么样子 总有人说三道四 这个世界我们都只来一次 吃想吃的饭 见想见的人 看喜欢的风景 做喜欢的事”

“人们的心肠总是打结的 他们看了花海又忘记了花海 辜负了深红浅白”

“夕阳正好 霞光温婉 心上人的笑便也惊艳了世俗”


“Like the stars in the sky before, now like to see the moon, but also like things quiet down in the evening, like a silent embrace, more like you.


“You are like the shining star, leaving a deep mark in my heart.


“The eight thousand mountains and rivers slowly , do not meet again , also do not know each other .


“I love gale and spirits , loneliness and freedom .


“月亮坠入不见底的河 星星垂眸惊动了舸

The moon fell into the bottomless river, and the stars were stunned”

“你没那么普通 水也会因为你荡起涟漪

You're not that ordinary, and the water ripples because of you”

“热闹街头车水马龙 你捧着花为谁而来

The lively streets are full of traffic. Who are you holding flowers for”

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