六月The first time I saw you, my heart had exploded into fireworks. I needed to spend my whole life cleaning the ash stove.
六月When I met you, my love was surging, and I saw that everything in the world was romantic.
六月最近很喜欢一段话:时间扑面而来我们终将释怀 健康的活着 平静的活着 开心的笑着 适当的忙着 就很好
六月Recently, I like a saying: time is coming, and we will finally let go of healthy life, calm life and happy smileIt's good to be properly busy
六月There is no need to let everyone know the real you, and there is no need to keep telling others what you are. I know youPeople of% will understand it naturally, and there is no need to say more
六月If everyone understands you, you have to be ordinary.
六月Probably the best thing in the world is that the WiFi signal is full, the other party is inputting, the water temperature is just right, and the old clothesThe change in the service is being delivered by express. It's sunny when you go out. There is 1% electricity in your mobile phone. Everything is just right.