作者适合写在手帐本上的神仙句子,温柔大方,永远不会烂大街 对于两个相爱的人来说,浪漫是永远不会过时的。 Romance is never out of date for two people who love each other. 所有寻求生命中另一半的人都应该正确审视自己,并在进入一段关系之前始终仔细和谨慎地思考。 All people looking for a partner in life should look at themselves correctly and always think carefully and carefully before entering a relationship. 当你和一个男人在一起时,你不应该照顾一切,如做饭、洗衣服和打扫卫生。这样会把人宠坏,变成一个无所事事的 "手无缚鸡之力 "的人,而你自己也会很累。 When you are with a man, you should not take care of everything, such as cooking, washing clothes and cleaning. This will spoil people and turn them into a person with nothing to do, and you will be very tired. 事实上,是她的 "工作 "害了她,使他们之间原本牢固的关系消失。 In fact, it was her "work" that hurt her and made the originally strong relationship between them disappear. 真正的感情是心灵感应的 True feelings are telepathic 如果一个女人和你这样相处,说明她已经经历了很多男人,不要当真。 If a woman gets along with you like this, she has experienced many men. Don't take it seriously. 当你到了中年,你对物质的迷恋和追求应该没有年轻时那么狂热。这些软力量将比你的硬力量更有吸引力。 When you reach middle age, your infatuation and pursuit of materials should not be as enthusiastic as when you were young. These soft forces will be more attractive than your hard forces.
作者︵‿︵‿ヽ(°□° )ノ︵‿︵‿
作者┏ (^ω^)=☞
作者╮(๑•́ ₃•̀๑)╭
作者ᵕ᷄≀ ̠˘᷅ᵍᵒᵒᵈᵑᑊ̇ᵍᑋᐪ