Teenagers art not afraid of long years,but there is still glory on the other side. 少年不具岁月长,彼方向有荣光在.
Failure is not a loser, but a defeat to your temperature frost. 败降不是败将,而是败给你温霜降.
"Ling Miaomiao,my heartis for you,can youtry to like me?"“凌妙妙,我的心给你了,你能不能试着喜欢我?”
apologize to my little private 向我的小王子道歉
Teenagers have no Utopia, and their hearts are clear in the distance. 少年没有乌托邦,心向远方自明朗.
But Ilike a personI want to give him the bestending.可我喜欢一个人我想给他最好的结局.
I hope we can be brave as each other. 希望我们能像对方一样勇敢.
No, I wish him a bright future, but I wish him a safe landing. 不住他前途无量,祝他降落平安.
So summer is over, and I don’t like you anymore. 暗恋很苦,像夏季的风,听着很好,吹起来却满是燥热.
what is the honor it's the river that meets you. 荣幸是什么.是江河三千遇见你.
Love is boundiess life has its own measure. 热爱漫无边际.生活自有分寸.
Girlstjourney is the sea of stars not the love of the word 少女的征途是星辰大海而并非烟尘人间
I want to say good night to the word you happen to be the WOrld 想对全世界说晚安恰好你就是全世界
May everything you do f or it have romantic resuts 愿一切为之努力的事情那都有浪漫的结果.
stars are ove letters fr o m the M iky w ay to the Moonyou are a gif t fr o m the word to me 星星是银河递给月亮的情书你是世间赠于我的 恩赐.
People who c a re about ea ch other wil meet again 相互惦记的人总会重逢