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I hope to meet Wang Junkai more than Zhang Wangsen(比起张万森我更希望遇到的是王俊凯)

You'll see how wronged he is if you try(如果将心比心你就会知道他多委屈)

Don't hearWang Junkai Listen toWang Junkal(不要听说王俊凯,要听王俊凯说)

Copy is stolen but love Wang Junkai is real(文案是偷的 但爱王俊凯是真的

"Then it's agreed to win the future first and then Wang Junkai" (那说好了先赢前程再赢王俊凯)

I use roses as a gift to listen to the message of the wind, and the clouds on the horizon are also missing people in Chongqing.(我以玫瑰作礼去聆听风的寄语天边的云彩也在思念重庆的人)

Boys in Jiulongpo, Chongqing, have left footprints of growth, and they have worked hard step by step, eventually giving off light.(重庆九龙坡的男孩留下了成长的足迹步步艰辛最终散发光)

Does Karry Ferris Wheel refer to us in the future?(王俊凯摩天轮指的是未来的我们吗)

“l Love wang Junkai openlg in the nome of chasing stars”(我以追星的名义光明正大的爱着王俊凯)

"If love is a vow of eternal love, then I will always love Wang Junkai" (如果爱是海誓山盟那我永远钟情王俊凯)

About Wang Junkai, I will smile when I hear it.(关于王俊凯是我一听就会嘴角上扬的。)

Wang Junkai is a gift from heaven, belated redemption.(王俊凯是天赐的礼物迟来的救赎)

If love is beneath you then I kneel to karry.(如果爱是甘拜下风 那我跪王俊凯。)

Kay, don't catch me in the next life.( 凯下辈子别抓话筒抓我吧.)

Love is probably my promise to Wang Junkai that_I_won't break_my promise. (爱大概就是我对王俊凯的承诺不会食言)

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