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一,没有人喜欢学习 可这是一个看分数的社会

No one likes to study, but this is a society that looks at scores

二,对不起 这一次我要赢

I'm sorry. I'm gonna win this time

三,你现在的每一次想学习的欲望 都是未来的你在向你求救

Every desire you have to learn now is the future. You're asking for help


Summer in school uniform is the real summer


Youth is a non-stop encounter and miss

六,保持热爱 奔赴下一场山海.

Keep loving and go to the next mountain and sea.


Anyway, it will be hated, it is better to play the most authentic self.

八,青春总会迷茫 不要因为没有掌声而丢掉自己的梦想.

Youth will always be confused, do not lose their dreams because there is no applause.

九,即使生活乱七八糟 你也要让它变成五颜六色

Even if life is a mess, you have to make it colorful

十,和你在一起的所有时光都灿烂耀眼 因为天气好 因为天气不好 因为天气正好

All the time with you is brilliant because the weather is good because the weather is bad because the weather is just right


When people say that one day, they actually mean that there will be no more


Songhua Brewing, Chunshui Sencha


All my life, clean and free

十四,凡所际遇 绝非偶然.

Everything that happens is no accident. 上了岸就别再管海里的事了When you get ashore, leave the sea alone 慢慢走沿途有风景背后有阳光Take your time. There's scenery along the way. There's sunshine behind it


Youth is beautiful and infinite

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