sans没打招呼就已算上我(Count me in without saying hello.)
sans在路上碾碎我的朋友们。我只是跟着你走。你不会理解我的笑容。我统计了你所犯的。顺便感受我的心境。尽管送我去死。你也无法离开。你随时可以重来。就像这一切从未发生。我不会主动挑事,但我会反击,直到终焉。你将面临审判的战斗,我的仁慈不复存在,我知道你想着你能杀我,但我保证你会输掉。(Crush my friends on the road. I'm just following you. You won't understand my smile. I counted what you did. By the way, feel my mood. Just send me to hell. You can't leave either. You can start over at any time. It's like it never happened. I will not take the initiative to stir up trouble, but I will fight back until the end. You will face the battle of trial, my mercy no longer exists, I know you think you can kill me, but I promise you will lose.)
合声这场游戏:)(This game:)
sans我欣赏你向我袭来(I appreciate you coming at me.)
sansThat's my determination.(这就是我的决心)
Chara这就是我的决心(That's my determination.)
合声That's what I LOVE.(这正是我所爱)(重复三遍)
sans你终于开始尝试(You finally started trying.)
CharaYou finally started to attack.(你终于开始出击)
合声That's what I LOVE.(这正是我所爱)(重复三遍)
sans我爱看你濒临死亡(I LOVE watching you die.)
Chara我爱看你即将去死(I LOVE watching you die.)
Chara我等不及要把你撕碎(I can't wait to tear you apart.)
CharaLike fragments of your brother.(就像你弟弟的碎片)
sans我也会再杀你一遍。运用你弑母的手段(I'll kill you again. Use the means of killing your mother.)
Chara你这来路不明的蠢货。向你的未来说再见(You idiot of unknown origin. Say goodbye to your future)
sans有胆就来。动手吧孩子。(Come as soon as you dare. Do it, son.)
CharaDon't be pretentious(别自命不凡)
sans我可没有自命不凡(I'm not pretentious.)
合声经历太多的创伤,早已没有谈判的筹码。在地狱等候已久。罪恶爬上了脊背(After too much trauma, there is no bargaining chip. Have been waiting in hell for a long time. Sin climbed up the spine.)
Chara屠杀之血还远远不够,在这局游戏(The blood of slaughter is not enough, in this game)
sans我也曾告诉过你LOVE的真正含义(I also told you the true meaning of LOVE.)
sans我欣赏你向我袭来(I appreciate you coming at me.)
sans这就是我的决心(That's my determination.)
Chara这就是我的决心(That's my determination.)
合声That's what I LOVE.(这正是我所爱)(重复三遍)
sans你终于开始尝试(You finally started trying.)
CharaYou finally started to attack.(你终于开始出击)
合声That's what I LOVE.(这正是我所爱)(重复三遍)
sans我爱看你再次死掉(I love watching you die again.)
Chara我爱看你即将消殆(I love watching you disappear.)
Chara你又一次杀我,一次又一次,每当我回来就更加熟练,更了解你的把戏,我会让你怠倦,真相就是这样sans,我会让你出局(You kill me again, again and again, every time I come back more skilled, better understand your game, I will make you tired, the truth is that sans, I will let you out)
sans去试试吧frisk,尽管去试frisk,你干的还真漂亮,听我的吧,别再继续战斗,这令我瞌睡,再前一步,历史将会再度重演。(Try frisk, just try frisk, you did a really good job, listen to me, don't keep fighting, it makes me sleepy, one step forward, history will repeat itself)
Chara我还是喜欢你攻击我的手段。(I still like the way you attack me.)
sansThat's my determination.
CharaThat's my determination.
合声That's what I LOVE.(这正是我所爱)(重复三遍)
合声你终于开始尝试(You finally started trying.)
合声That's what I LOVE.(这正是我所爱)(重复三遍)
合声我就爱看你即将消殆的样子(I love to see you about to disappear.)