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小孩是队长 小孩有腰伤 小孩身高180左右 小孩是单眼皮 小孩是高鼻梁 小孩笑的时候会wink 小孩高音贼厉害 小孩很温柔 小孩懂浪漫 小孩喜欢喝抹茶星冰乐 小孩喜欢吃茄丁捞面 小孩真的很努力. #宝藏男孩马嘉祺

180+ 怕蜜蜂 他不爱吃饭 喜欢吃紫葡萄味的糖 喜欢吃重庆火锅 喜欢踢足球 擅长rap 他的膝盖有很严重的伤 他的喉结因为游戏伤到过 他的胃不是很好 他牙疼做过根管治疗 他背部也有伤 坐不直的话会很痛 他夜盲 他喜欢奥特曼 喜欢太上老君 喜欢皮卡丘 他叫严浩翔,一个浑身是光的男孩

80+Afraid of bees, he doesn't like eating, he likes purple grape-flavored sugar, he likes Chongqing hot pot, he likes playing football, he is good at rap, his knee is badly hurt, his Adam's apple is not very good because the game hurt his stomach, he has toothache, he has root canal therapy, his back is also hurt, and it will be very painful if he can't sit straight. He likes Altman, Taishanglaojun and Pikachu. His name is Yan Haoxiang, a boy covered in light.

It's a captain, a child with a waist injury, a child with a height of about 180, a child with a single eyelid, a child with a high nose bridge, a child with a high-pitched thief, a child who is very gentle, a child who knows romance, a child who likes to drink matcha Frappuccino, a child who likes to eat diced eggplant and noodles, and a child who works really hard.

他们会登上更大的舞台,火遍全世界,但唯有重庆才是他们故事的起点,和终点,他们虽然都离开了,我不会离开,直到他们回来。我会听着他们写的一首又一首的歌,看他们曾经的综艺一遍又一遍,等他们一年又一年,或许有一天,他们真的回来了,这一切都值得。到最后,他们的故事真的结束了,我就可以很自豪的说,你看,爱了他们一辈子,青春是他们,撩的话语是他们,梦想是他们,眼里是他们,干什么都是他们,满脑子都是他们,什么都是他们,我多爱他们。光不会遗漏任何人 尤其是我的七个少年

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