话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 宝狄与好友之光明使者
本书标签: 动漫同人  宝友  宝狄与好友 

序章 prologue



It is said that there is a mysterious Galaxy deep in the distant galaxy and in the universe beyond the protruding light years


The galaxy is composed of many stars, but it is mainly composed of three main stars: senboro, miaomiduo and sitauro


Among them, senboro advocates technology and power, miaomiduo is full of mystery, and the original wild nature of the lion camel rota is shown on the surface of the planet


It is said that every planet has the secrets of ancient warriors. Those secrets are so powerful that they are called phantom stars


To get the inheritance of the magic star, we must face many tests


When all the treasures are collected, a mysterious door will be opened. Behind the mysterious door is the mysterious ultimate power


And the ultimate power is guarded by a mysterious Guardian


The way to summon him is to need a "container"


Let's turn our eyes to semboro Institute of energy

乌拉巴国师让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎守护光环系的小英雄们 Let's welcome the little heroes guarding the aura with warm applause

宝狄谢谢,谢谢大家对我们的信任,还有我的伙伴们的力量,如果没有伙伴们的力量,光靠我一个,是无法战胜黑暗,迎来曙光 Thank you. Thank you for your trust in us and the strength of my partners. Without the strength of my partners, I alone cannot overcome the darkness and usher in the dawn

吴迪(一毛)老师让我们为这些小英雄们欢呼,为和平高呼!!Let's cheer for these little heroes and shout for peace!!

宝狄哈哈哈哈,感谢大家的支持 Hahaha, thank you for your support

声音宝狄?宝狄?醒醒,快起来啦 bodhi bodhi ,Wake up, get up

宝狄(睡眼惺忪)嗯?妈妈,早上好啊 (have a drowsy look)Huh? Good morning, mom

凯莉(微笑 生气)还早啊?你这小懒虫,上学快要迟到了(Smile and be angry)It's still early? You lazy little sluggard, you're going to be late for school

宝狄嗯?啊!!哦不!完了完了,要迟到了!!Huh? Ah!! oh no! It's over, it's going to be late!!

凯莉这孩子,以后再懒散,我就开始魔鬼训练你了 This child, if you are lazy in the future, I will start training you by the devil

宝狄不要啊!!妈妈的魔鬼训练我不想体验啊!!求求你了,好吗?no I don't want to experience my mother's devil training!! Please, will you?

凯莉下不为例啊 This is not an example

宝狄感谢女侠的宽恕之恩 Thank you for your forgiveness knight

凯莉这孩子,自从那次光环系二战之后开始懒散起来了 The boy, since the halo of World War II, began to be lazy

森波罗绿城街道 Senboro green city street

居民啊,是宝狄!宝狄给我签名!!Ah!is bodhi!bodhi!please Give me your signature

宝狄抱歉抱歉,我赶时间!先走了!!Sorry, I'm in a hurry! Go first!!

居民别跑啊!给我们签名!!Don't run! Sign for us!!

宝狄救 命 啊!!Help!!!

就这样,宝狄被铁杆粉丝追的满大街跑,但还是躲避不了迟到的惩罚 In this way, Bodhi was chased all over the street by die hard fans, but she still couldn't escape the punishment of being late

森波罗原能学院 semboro Institute of energy

吴迪(一毛)老师宝狄!!!你又迟到了!!你怎么搞的!bodhi!!!You are late again!! What happened to you!

宝狄(冒冷汗)额,一毛老师,你听我说,这是有原因的 (Cold sweat)Well, Mr. Yimao, listen to me. There is a reason

吴迪(一毛)老师是不是被人满大街追着跑!!够了!这句谎话我听了百八十遍了!给我到走廊里罚站!! Are you being chased all over the street!! Enough! I've heard this lie a hundred and eighty times! Stop in the corridor!!

宝狄哦 oh

玲玲宝狄…… bodhi……

宝狄与好友之光明使者最新章节 下一章 第一部分 Part I