作者你好在吗?在干嘛?几岁了?想我了吗?有多高?有对象吗?你吃饭了吗?喜欢什么音乐?今天开心吗?你玩什么游戏?有什么特别喜欢的吗?你喜欢我吗? 我当时就想着如果有人见过我这副在泥地里打滚爬都爬不起来的样子还能爱着我就好了可我不确定有没有这样的人我也不敢给别人看. 结束总比一次次敷衍好最终乌鸦讲了情话铁树也开了花如果没有相遇会不会彼此都过得很好啊
Hello, are you doing? What are you doing? How old is you? Do you miss me? How high is it? Do you have an object? Do you like to eat? What music do you like? What do you like today? What do you play? What do you play? What do you like??do you like me? At that time, I thought that if someone had seen me, I couldn't get up in the mud, I couldn't get up and I could love me. I was not sure if there were such people. I dare not show others. The end is better than the perfunctory time again and again. The crow talked about the iron tree.
作者我看什么都像你我看月亮像你看星星也像你那些白亮透澈、温柔冷清的光它们都让我想起你其实我不太懂喜欢可我想走向你. 其实我没有照片里长得那么好看我的头发经常会乱我起床的样子很丑我吃东西特别多体重也会上升心里有时候会很毒冲动偶尔记仇遇到不想做的事情我也不会说明太多也没有耐心. 世界上最糟糕的事情之一是觉得自己配不上喜欢的那个人就像彼此站在下雨的屋檐你不能上前说一句一起走 当我对世事厌倦的时候我就会想到你想到你在世界的某个地方生活着存在着我就愿意忍受一切你的存在对我很重要.
Reminds me of you. I don't know how to like you, but I want to go to you. In fact, I am not as good-looking as in the picture. My hair is often messy. I look ugly when I get up. I eat a lot and my weight will rise. Sometimes my heart will be very poisonous and impulsive. Occasionally, I will hold a grudge. When I encounter something I don't want to do, I will not explain too much and have no patience. One of the worst things in the world is to feel like you don't deserve the person you like. It's like standing on a rainy roof and you can't come up and say, "Let's go together." When I am tired of the world, I will think of you, think of you living somewhere in the world, I am willing to endure everything, your existence is very important to me.