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Dry composition. Among them, the brain is the most advanced part of the central nervous system and the main part of the brain. It is divided into left and right hemispheres. But scientists don't stop and study blindly, so people in M country have a higher degree of development. Overall: human brain development is no more than 10%. It accounts for most of the cranial cavity, accounting for about 2% of adult body weight, that is, 1.2 ~ 1.6 kg. The brain weight of men is slightly larger than that of women, and it has nothing to do with weight. The number of human brain cells is more than twice that of the world population, and it can process 86 million pieces of information every day, and its memory stores more information than any electronic computer. The human brain consists of the brain, cerebellum, diencephalon and brain stem. Among them, the brain is the most advanced part of the central nervous system and the main part of the brain. It is divided into left and right hemispheres.以上来自于华盛顿时报 其意思是人类大脑开发了不足百分之十。截止3000年,多数科学家们认为大部分人类的大脑开发了百分之三,少数人类开发到百分之五,一些更加聪明的人开发程度则更高。总体来说:人类大脑开发不超过百分之十。脑占头盖内腔的大部分,约占成年人体重的百分之二,即1.2~1.6公斤。脑的重量男性比女性稍大,与体重无关。



直至3001年的时候M国的斯坦教授研制出了一种新的药剂,据说可以让人类大脑直接开发更高级。但同时也有负面影响,那就是会寿命减短,无法生育,于是M国就想出了一个损招,“拿亚洲人实验”好巧不巧,此时M国也想早早统治亚洲,统治全世界,他们利用了这个药剂,纵使整个亚洲沦陷其中,M国好乘虚而入 他们也实现了这个愿望,M国利用大型战斗飞机在全亚洲扫射病毒液体,又开始抓实验人员。



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