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作者郁金香:纯洁清高的恋情。 7.昙花:短暂的美丽一瞬间即永恒。 8.海棠花:温和美丽快乐,游子思乡。 9.木槿花:珍惜身边人,珍惜眼前的幸福。 10.矢车菊:优雅单身的幸福。

作者白百合:爱情是庄重的不可能侵犯的。 17.黑色曼佗罗:它的花语是无间的爱和复仇,绝望的爱,不可预知的死亡和爱。 18.向日葵:“入目无他人,四下皆是你,有你时你是太阳我目不转睛无你时我低头谁也不见。” 19.蓝花楹:“在绝望中等待爱情,你来或不来,它都在枝头绽放,在绝望中永恒期待。

作者想你是我今生最甜蜜的痛苦.一生只钟情你一个人。” 21.葡衣草:“等待爱情”希望它能等来那个照亮世界满眼是自己并带来满天星辰的人。 22.满天星:它的花语是:我甘愿做配角,瞒着所有人爱你,我携满天星赠予你,仍觉满天星辰不及你。 23.洋甘菊:它的花语是:“逆境中的坚强,苦难中的力量,以清新的姿态治愈,世间因有她而总是希望不灭。

作者彼岸花:彼岸,彼岸,马上到岸,从此黄泉路上不孤单。 HiganbanaThe other side, the other side, will arrive at the shore immediately, and will never be alone on the road from now on 二,有一种花叫桔梗花,它的花语是永恒的爱。 There is a kind of flower called balloon flower, whose flower language is eternal love 三,有一种花叫满天星,它的花语是,我甘愿做配角,瞒着所有人爱你,我携满天星辰以赠你,仍觉满天星辰不及你。 There is a kind of flower called all over the sky. Its flower language is, I am willing to play a supporting role, but I love you without telling everyone. I bring stars all over the sky to give you a gift, but I still feel that the stars all over the sky are inferior to you.  四,风信子的花语和象征代表意义,只要点燃生命之火,便可同享丰富人生 红色的风信子的花语是--让人感动的爱 蓝风信子是所有风信子的始祖,因此它的花语是生命。 The flower language and symbol of hyacinth represent meaning: as long as you light the fire of life, you can share the rich life. The flower language of red hyacinth is-the moving blue hyacinth is the ancestor of all hyacinth, so its flower language is life. 五,白玫瑰的花语是——我足以与你相配。 The flower language of white rose is-I a

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