话本小说网 > 轻小说 > 汐小瑶文案铺子
本书标签: 轻小说 




I can't help but watch you like someone else.


Be happy, say no to what you should refuse, put down what you should put down, don't always fantasize, eat, drink, sleep well sleep.


Some feelings, inexplicable beginning, and no sign of the end, everything has been arranged in advance, I hope you can understand that many stories will not have an end, many people will not get together and part.


It would be nice if you didn't pass the friend request. Now I like you so much, but I'm not sure you really like me at all.


To tell the truth, I do not want to give up you, but will not go to you, sad to sad, disappointed to disappointed, miss to miss, it does not matter, so it.


Accompany you to see the sunset glow, itself is more romantic than the sunset glow.


Sometimes not do not want to speak, but a lot of words can not say, in the heart will be safer.


childish, nothing bad, people will grow up one day, why mature too early, lose too early.

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