“名侦探,再坚持一下,马上就到宿舍了,我先让你safe一些”说着,快斗就开始散发自己的信息,巧克力味和柠檬味交错相融,Shinichi's tight body softened, and it was really attached to the back of the fast bucket, he was already weak on all fours, but he smelled the pheromone of the fast bucket,新一舒服了不少
“我……我包里……有yi……yi……yi zhi ji”
“不行!yi zhi ji会延长时间的,而且对身体坏处很多!以后少用yi zhi ji”快斗又心疼又生气
Shinichi's body was instantly bound into a powerful embrace, and the unfinished voice was drowned out in a kiss full of affection. The other party greedily grabbed the breath that belonged to him, explored every corner with great force, making each other forget everything around them, and Kuaidou slowly took away the air in xinyi's mouth, and Xinyi gradually became difficult to breathe
“唔……唔!”新一难以呼吸了,忙把快斗推开,But Kuaidou bit the tip of Shinichi's tongue and brought Shinichi into his body
‘……好了,Seven deadly sins还差几个?不是只剩下两个月了吗?我们要加把劲了,毕竟我也想把所有的记忆想起来’
‘柯南~等你yi gan qi过去了,你一定要自己试试不靠我隐身和感知哦’