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谢灵夕(悦悦大大)愿你一切出于自然并非刻意,愿你永怀善意,灵魂澄澈明朗。 May you do everything out of nature without intending that you will always have a well meaning and clear soul. 我往宇宙撒了把盐,如果三点前还睡不着,今晚就吃盐焗小星球。 I sprinkled salt into the universe. If I can't sleep before three o'clock, I'll eat salt to bake the little planet tonight. 想和你翻山越岭,赏云淡风清,两相依偎数星星,一壶好茶到天亮。 I want to climb mountains and mountains with you, enjoy the light clouds and clear winds, snuggle up with stars, and have a pot of good tea till dawn. 我看过世间万物,从不慌张,唯独你踏过山水归来的那刻,方寸大乱。 I've seen everything in the world, never panicked, only when you came back from the mountains and rivers, you were in a mess. 橘子味儿的汽水在噗嗤,夏天的风穿过你一米六的心脏的位置,也吹过了我的眼睛。 The orange soda is puffing. The summer wind is blowing through your heart and my eyes. 小熊饼干浪味仙薯片芒果草莓话梅软糖牛肉干我都给你,然后你是我的好不好。 I'll give you bear biscuit, langweixian chips, mango, strawberry, plum, soft candy, beef jerky, and then you're mine. 你的眼睛里有星辰大海,里面揉碎了的星星和银河,胜过我看过的所有春花秋月。 You have stars in your eyes, the sea, the stars and milky way in it, better than all the spring flowers and autumn moon I have seen. 少年嘴角的轻笑,就好像尝了一口冰激凌,甜甜软软在我心间漾开。 The young man's light smile is like a taste of ice cream. It's sweet and soft in my heart. 我需要的,也只不过只是一个,护我周全,免我惊慌,舍不得我受半点委屈难过,无论如何都不会放弃我的人。 What I need is just one person, who can protect me well and avoid my panic. He is reluctant to let me suffer a little grievance. He will not give up on me in any case.

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