"The wind in the mountain city will never stop, and the boy I love will always be warm" “山城的风永不停歇,我爱的少年永远热烈”
"The most romantic thing in the world is that seven boys in love wrote Popcorn to a group of young girls." 中文翻译:"世界上最浪漫的事,就是七个情窦初开的男孩子给一群正值青春的女孩子写下了《爆米花》"
Preference and exception are TNT.
TNT is my belated redemption.“TNT是我迟来的救赎”
"There are always teenagers in the summer of the mountain city, and the hard-working teenagers are slowly shining. The story belongs to the summer, and the summer belongs to the teenager."“山城的夏天总有少年,努力的少年在慢慢闪耀。故事属于夏天,夏天属于少年。”
你总是给我们全部的安全感,但是你要是一个容易不安的人那我们就不谈过去,只看未来You always give us all a sense of security, but if you are a person who is easily upset, then we will not talk about the past, only look at the future
从来都不会有第二个你。你也不会成为第二个别人,我们都是成为了最了不起的自己。There will never be another you. You won't be the second person. We all become the greatest selves.
因为喜欢啊,喜欢的东西,哪有那么容易忘记Because I like it, what I like is so easy to forget
"If you question the seven people who are working hard, I will stand around these seven teenagers, and my screams will resist the rumors of all." “如果全世界质疑七个正在努力的少年,那我会站在这七个少年身边质疑全世界,我的尖叫声会抵挡住所有的流言蜚语.”