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宋汐瑶1、我们只是在夕阳中站了一会儿,我们就毕业了。 We just stood in the sunset for a while, and we graduated. 2、今天天气很好,一会没有课,以后都没有课啦! It's a good day today. There will be no class for a while, and there will be no classes in the future!

宋汐瑶3、再看一眼山河,祝你毕业快乐! Another look at the mountains and rivers, I wish you a happy graduation! 4、那些时光漫长,仿佛夏天永远晴朗。 Those days are long, as if summer is always sunny.

宋汐瑶5、希望我们都能继续兴致盎然地与世界交手,一直走在开满鲜花的路上。 I hope we can continue to happily meet the world, and keep on the road full of flowers. 6、你看一晃两三年,匆匆又夏天。 You see, in a flash for two or three years, in a hurry and summer.

宋汐瑶7、聚是一团火,散是满天星。 Gather is a fire, scatter is a star. 8、盛夏的话,我们就留在盛夏吧! In midsummer, let's stay in midsummer!

宋汐瑶9、关上这扇门,以后这里的故事都是别人的了。 Close the door, the story here will be someone else's. 10、那时候天总是很蓝,日子总过得太慢。 At that time, the sky was always blue, and life was always too slow.

宋汐瑶11、我们更高处见。 We'll see you higher. 12、也许会有一天,世界真的有终点,也要和你举起回忆酿的甜,和你再干一杯。 Maybe one day, the world really has an end, but also with you to hold up the sweet memories brewed, and you drink again.

宋汐瑶13、好的坏的都留在那些年啦,这次真的再见咯! Good and bad all stay in those years, this time really goodbye! 14、尚未配妥剑,转眼便是江湖;愿历尽千帆,归来仍少年。 If you don't match the sword properly, you will be in the world in a twinkling of an eye; I hope you are still young after going through thousands of sails.

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