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宋汐瑶1、敬往事一杯酒,再爱也不回头。 A glass of wine to the past, never look back.   2、我从远方赶来,赴你一面之约。 I came from afar to meet you.   3、彩虹下,我微笑的等待你回来。 Under the rainbow, I smile and wait for you to come back.   4、爱情虽美,却不是生活的全部。 Although love is beautiful, it is not the whole of life.   5、因为你是唯一,所以拿命珍惜。 Because you are the only one, cherish your life.   6、愿你垂垂老矣,我可明我心。 May you grow old and I can see my heart.   7、予,挽子青丝,挽子一世情思。 Give me, pull my son's green silk, pull my son's love for the whole life.   8、既往不恋,当下不杂未来不迎。 The past is not love, the present is not miscellaneous, and the future is not welcome.   9、来世散,今生断,往事回却影。 The afterlife is scattered, this life is broken, and the past is reflected.   10、心上朱砂,美人无她,相思碾。 Heart cinnabar, beauty without her, Acacia grinding.   11、颓然那朦胧月色,却不可轻夺。 Decadent that hazy moonlight, but not light.   12、轻吟一句情话,执笔一副情画。 Sing a love word and write a love picture.   13、与人间寥寥月色,长眠一场。 With a few moons in the world, sleep for a long time.   14、待浮花浪蕊俱尽,伴君幽独。 When all the flowers and pistils are exhausted, I will accompany you alone.   15、任他红尘滚滚,我亦云淡风轻。 Let him roll in the world of mortals, I am also light.   16、勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。 Only when you have the courage to start can you find the way to success.   17、不求与天同齐,只求弑天逆命。 We don't want to be together with the sky, but kill the sky and go against life.   18、将你从前与我心,付与他人可。 Give your past and my heart to others.   19、孔雀飞,南影离,人情冷往事。 The peacock flies, the South shadow leaves, and the human feelings are cold.   20、牛羊才会成群,虎豹只会独行。 Cattle and sheep will flock, tigers and leopards will only walk alone.   21、许我十年长白,换他隔日归来。 Let me be white for ten years and return the next day.   22、你喜欢我这件事,我允许了。 I allowed you to like me.   23、世人慌慌张张,不过碎银几两。 The world is flustered, but there are several pieces of silver.   24、最终倦鸟归栖,大家自甘认命。 Finally, the tired birds returned to habitat, and everyone was willing to accept their fate.   25、生活不易,每个人都在努力! Life is not easy, everyone is working hard!   26、有情不必终老,暗香浮动恰好。 Love doesn't have to die. The secret fragrance floats just right.   27、杏花无处避春愁,也傍野烟发。 Apricot flowers have nowhere to avoid spring sorrow, but also near wild smoke.   28、阅人间烟火气,暖城中故人心。 Reading the smoke and fire in the world warms the hearts of the people in the city.   29、我只愿面朝大海,春暖花开。 I just want to face the sea and flowers bloom in spring.   30、你像是我在人间发现的宝藏。 You are like a treasure I found on earth.   31、零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。 Scattered into mud, ground into dust, only fragrant as before.   32、愿你以渺小启程,以伟大结尾。 May you start small and end great.   33、只要心中有爱,就一定有希望。 As long as there is love in your heart, there must be hope.   34、吾王剑锋所指,吾等心之所向。 What Wang Jianfeng pointed out is what we want.   35、待到黄昏月上时,依旧柔肠断。 At dusk on the moon, my heart is still broken.   36、听闻少年二字,应与平庸相斥。 Hearing the word "Youth", we should reject mediocrity.   37、愁损翠黛双眉,日日花阑独凭。 Sorrow destroys Cui Dai's eyebrows, and every day the flower stops alone.   38、后来你我之间,只能靠听说。 Later, you and I can only rely on hearing.   39、愿得韶华刹那,开得满树芳华。 May you have a moment of youth and bloom with trees.   40、如果我真的好,你为什么不要? If I'm really good, why don't you?   41、没认识你之前,我没想过永远。 Before I knew you, I didn't think about forever.   42、人强健,青尊素影,长愿相随。 People are strong, green and pure, and long willing to follow.   43、待我不再有她,许你淡饭粗茶。 When I don't have her anymore, I promise you light rice and coarse tea.   44、已是黄昏独自愁,更著风和雨。 It is already dusk, worrying alone, more wind and rain.   45、你只管善良,上天自有恒量。 You just be kind, God has a constant.   46、姑娘,把眼泪咽下去你就赢了。 Girl, swallow your tears and you win.   47、你是一束光,带给我暖与爱。 You are a beam of light that brings me warmth and love.   48、你若不离不弃,我便生死相依。 If you don't give up, I will depend on life and death.   49、君若别,莫相忘,相思夜未央。 If you don't, don't forget, Acacia night is not in the middle.   50、你一定要走,走到灯火通明。 You must go until the lights are bright.   51、零星的想你,也凑成了银河。 Sporadic thoughts of you also make up the galaxy.   52、我是最棒的,我一定会成功。 I am the best, I will succeed.   53、你是梦中虚妄,你是无上理想。 You are a vain dream, you are the supreme ideal.   54、想牵你的手,敬各方来宾的手。 I want to hold your hand and respect the hands of all guests.   55、没有欲望,只能说是麻木不仁。 No desire, can only be said to be insensitive.   56、你若活的凄凉,我必笑的猖狂。 If you live desolately, I will laugh wildly.   57、神已无能为力,便是魔渡众生。 God has nothing to do, that is, magic crossing all living beings.   58、人之一世,总有些难言的心事。 There are always some unspeakable worries in one's life.   59、从此伤春伤别,黄昏只对梨花。 From then on, spring and dusk are only for pear flowers.   60、愿你出走半生,归来仍是少年。 May you run away for half your life and return as a teenager.   61、神已无能为为,便是魔渡众生。 God is powerless, that is, magic crossing all living beings.   62、眼中星辰大海,脚下万里征程。 Stars in the eyes of the sea, miles under the feet of the journey.   63、这些天,很想念你,所以想说。 These days, I miss you very much, so I want to say.   64、时见幽人独往来,缥缈孤鸿影。 When I see you alone, I see the shadow of a lonely Hong.   65、想放弃又不甘心,人真是怂货。 It's a good thing to want to give up and not be reconciled.   66、立片言以居要,乃一篇之警策。 Setting up a piece of speech to occupy the important position is a police policy.   67、人生就是减法,见一面少一面。 Life is subtraction, see one side less.   68、有些人忘了,输入法还没忘。 Some people forget, the input method hasn't forgotten yet.   69、朕的江山养你一个祸水够不够! Is it enough for my country to support you!   70、离别钩,情山情海,十面埋伏。 Parting hook, love mountain, love sea, ambush on all sides.   71、愿你以渺小启航,以远大结束。 May you set sail with small and end with great.   72、古风叹,九曲回肠,人生无缘。 The ancient wind sighs that life has no fate.   73、恨到归时方始休,月明人倚楼。 Hate to return to the time before rest, Yueming people lean on the building.   74、为你翻山越岭,却无心看风景。 I climb mountains for you, but I don't want to see the scenery.   75、忘记,此生未几,不安的灵魂。 Forget, not much in this life, restless soul.   76、你让我道歉,还是让我告白。 Do you want me to apologize or do you want me to confess.   77、冬天的离别,在莫斯科的深夜。 Winter parting, late at night in Moscow.   78、你若活得凄凉,我定笑得猖狂。 If you live a miserable life, I will laugh wildly.   79、静待一树花开,盼你叶落归来。 Wait for a tree to bloom and look forward to your return.   80、寂寞尊前席上,唯愁海角天涯。 Lonely respect in the front seat, only worry about the ends of the earth.

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