宋汐瑶18 好女孩只得到了好字, 而漂亮女孩却得到了所有。 A good girl has good reputation. A pretty girl has everything. 19
宋汐瑶爱笑的女生运气不会太差, 说实话,如果一个女生运气一直不好, 我不知道她怎么笑得出来。 A girl who laughs a lot usually has fortune on her side. Seriously, I don't know how someone can manage to laugh if she gets screwed by life.
宋汐瑶像我这种连名牌都不认识几个的人, 有时候连别人在炫富都感觉不到。 With such limited knowledge of brands, I can't even recognize when some people show off their wealth.
宋汐瑶当你觉得自己又丑又穷、一无是处时, 别绝望,因为至少你的判断还是对的。 If you feel ugly, poor and useless, don't be devastated. At least you have good judgement. 22
宋汐瑶喜欢一个人就去表白, 万一成备胎了呢 If you have a crush on somebody, go to that person. There's a chance that you become the Plan B.
宋汐瑶哪有什么选择困难症, 还不是因为穷。 There is no such a thing called allodoxaphobia. You are just being poor. 24
宋汐瑶你只知道人家化妆比你好看, 却不知道,她们卸了妆, 不仅比你好看,皮肤还吹弹可破。 You only know that they look prettier than you in their make-up. What you don't know is: underneath those make-up, not only are they prettier than you, they also have perfectly good skin.
宋汐瑶为什么总是天妒英才呢? 因为没人管笨蛋活多久。 Why does fate always mess up with geniuses? Because no one bother caring about idiots.
宋汐瑶当上帝给你关上一扇门, 他还会顺便把窗子也一起关了。 When God closes a door for you, he'd close the windows all together. 27