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宋汐瑶1、最糟糕的情况是不知道自己该继续等待还是放弃。 The worst thing is not knowing whether to wait or to give up.

宋汐瑶2、上帝真残忍,对于每天夜里失眠的人,就连做梦的资格都被剥夺了。 God is so cruel, for every night insomnia, even the qualification of dreaming have been deprived.

宋汐瑶3、以前,那个对我说永远不会离开我的人,最后却对我说了对不起。 Before, the one who said to me would never leave me, but finally said sorry to me.

宋汐瑶4、如果有一天,以往活泼的我,开始越来越沉默,那一定是对这个世界充满了失望。 If one day, I used to lively, began to more and more silent, it must be full of disappointment to the world.

宋汐瑶5、曾经,你经常对我说来日方长,最后你却让我真正明白了什么叫人走茶凉。 Once, you often said to me that the days are long, finally you let me really understand what is called tea cool.

宋汐瑶6、总有那么一些人,白天在人前伪装自己,笑得没心没肺,可是一到深夜就丧的无法呼吸。 There are always some people, disguised in front of people during the day, laugh heartless, but a late at night can not breathe.

宋汐瑶7、有时候真可怜自己,空有一身傲骨,却活得连狗都不如。 Sometimes really pity yourself, empty a suit of pride, but live even the dog is inferior.

宋汐瑶8、既然你选择了离开,那就不要安慰我,因为你每一次的缝补也会让我遭遇穿刺的痛。 Since you choose to leave, please don't comfort me, because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.

宋汐瑶9、其实没有人真正喜欢孤独,只是比起失望以及冷热交后的折磨来说,孤独的感觉好像更让人感到踏实。 In fact, no one really likes loneliness, but compared with the disappointment and hot and cold after the torture, the feeling of loneliness seems to make people feel more secure.

宋汐瑶10、爱而不得,爱而不能,这种感觉,大概只有经历过的人才能够体会。 Love but not, love but not, this feeling, probably only experienced people can understand.

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