话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 自编少年特战队:落叶归根
本书标签: 现代  少年特种兵 








颜清茹Hey, have you had enough? He is my team member. You bully the team members. Be careful to beat you and beat you

凌云彻(炼狱龙)Obviously you're bullying your hand. What are you doing? What do they say? What's your hand doing? Just tell me about your ancestors

颜清茹Of course I can bully my team members. Where did you come from? You tell a fart

As they spoke, they did not forget to mend some feet on her

颜清茹Stop if you have the ability. Don't do it if you have the ability. You still move. Hum, I want to ease it

凌云彻(炼狱龙)If you have the ability, you will hear it first. Obviously, you said it first. Hum, if you have the ability, you will listen first. Then you will still move. If you have the ability, you will shut up. Hum, you think that if you can speak English all over the world, you can speak English every day. You are so coquettish!

颜清茹You don't talk, no one will treat you as a mute. Shut up, you big fool, big fool, big pig hoof, big mental retardation. Hum, brain disabled, mentally retarded, sissy

凌云彻(炼狱龙)A scholar can be killed but not humiliated. He has the ability to fight, big fool

颜清茹Come on

凌云彻(炼狱龙)A baby boy

颜清茹Fart boy

I don't forget to care about the lonely Wolf



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