Listen and hear a song the birds are singing.静听鸟儿歌唱,Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming.坐看百花绽放,A pleasant breeze flows by leaving a trail of dust.一缕微风拂过,留下了一路尘埃,This is your fault right?这些……都是你的错,对吧?Standing in the corridor,who thought we’d be here like this together?伫立于审判长廊之中,谁会想到我们竟落得如此地步?On a gorgeous day like this,I ask:,在如此美好的一天里,我想问:,“What is it that you want?”“,这就是你想要的吗?”,I believe there was a time,我相信在某条时间线上,When we could be pals and things were better?我们曾是好朋友,一切将更加美好,Eating bad foods,enjoying laughs...一起享用着垃圾食品,开怀大笑…,Can we go back to that?但我们还能回得去吗?If you’re in there listening,kid,Just reset the time line,如果你还在听,孩子,请重置这条时间线吧,And let’s please forget all of this.所有恩怨将会一笔勾销,Even after what you did he believed in you...即使你犯下那么可怕的过错,他仍信任着你,‘til the end.直到生命中的最后一刻,Looking at your face right now,现在看看你,]That expression tells me”I can’t afford to care anymore.”,那个表情告诉我,你“什么都不在乎了。”,Turn this path around,wipe your dirty hands clean...放弃这条路,转身离开,洗净这双沾满鲜血的手,Give up,放弃吧,Please don’t come back...请不要再回来了,If you are my friend.如果你还是我的朋友,Please...求求你……,Listen and hear a song the birds are singing.听那鸟儿的歌声渐息,Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming.看那百花将要凋零,A pleasant breeze feels by leaving a trail.狂风乍起,尘土遮天,How could you have done this?你怎么能下得去手?Is there still…… a glimmer of hope?这儿……还有丝毫的希望吗?Will you choose to do the right thing?你会做出正确的抉择吗?Please now,bud,if you’re there.拜托了,伙计,如果你在那…,Have a change of heart.赶 紧 停 手 啊!Listen and hear a song the birds are singing.听窗外鸟儿再次欢唱,Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming.凋谢的花朵重新绽放,What a nice day...真是美好的一天啊…,