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作者1.我讨厌天使,因为他们虚伪。我喜欢恶魔,因为他们自由。我喜欢黑色,因为它很干净。我喜欢黑夜,因为它能隐瞒一切。我喜欢泪水,因为它是真实的。我向往死亡,因为它代表着解脱。我向往堕落,因为我不用带着虚伪的面具。 I hate angels because they are hypocritical. I like demons because they are free. I like black because it's clean. I like the night because it can hide everything. I like tears because they are real. I yearn for death, because it represents liberation. I yearn for depravity, because I don't have to wear a mask of hypocrisy. 2.这个冬天,没有惊喜,没有意外,没有关系。生活嘛,慢慢来就好了,我们还有个机会叫明天。你认为一生遗憾的人,可能是别人百般不待见的。失去比得不到更可怕,因为他多了个过程叫曾经。 This winter, no surprise, no accident, it doesn't matter. Life, just take your time. We still have a chance to call tomorrow. You think that people who regret all their lives may be the ones that others don't want to see. Losing is more terrible than not getting, because he has a more process called once.

作者3.我用自己的方式爱你,虽然我也不知道我的方式对不对,甚至有些偏激,但是我并没有恶意,更不想因为我的爱让你不开心。 I love you in my own way, although I don't know whether my way is right or not, even some extreme, but I have no malice, and I don't want to make you unhappy because of my love. 4.深夜发的朋友圈,马上就删除,上一秒发的心情,下一秒怕被嘲笑,即渴望被人懂,又害怕被人懂。 The circle of friends sent late at night will be deleted immediately. The mood sent in the last second is afraid to be ridiculed in the next second. That is, they are eager to be understood and afraid to be understood.

作者5.大千世界,花花万物,遇到了许多喜欢的事物,在一个刚刚好的时间里,遇上了想爱一辈子的你! The world, flowers and everything, met a lot of things like, in a just good time, met you want to love for a lifetime! 6.熬夜其实很困,只是心中一直有所期待,有所牵挂的东西,它迟迟让你感觉下一秒可能就会有所惊喜,也许是你孤独惯了,幸福的人是从来不晚睡的。 Staying up late is actually very sleepy, but there are always expectations and concerns in the heart. It makes you feel that the next second may be a surprise. Maybe you are used to being lonely. Happy people never go to bed late.

作者7.每个人都在奋不顾身,都在加倍努力,你没有理由一边委屈一边抱怨人世寒冷。给自己多一点疼爱,对生活多一点信心。只要今天比昨天好,就是前行路上最大的幸运。 Everyone is desperate, are redoubling their efforts, you have no reason to complain about the cold world at the same time. Give yourself more love and more confidence in life. As long as the road ahead is better than yesterday. 8.希望会有那么一个人出现吧,希望她知道我占有欲的原因,我没有安全感的时候怎么给我安全感。希望我压抑不住自己的时候,能抱紧我告诉我别这样好不好。我知道怎么治愈我自己,但是我说出去就会显的我好廉价啊。 I hope there will be such a person, I hope she knows the reason why I am possessive and how to give me a sense of security when I have no sense of security. I hope that when I can't restrain myself, hold me tight and tell me not to do this. I know how to cure myself, but if I say it, it will show that I am so cheap.

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