A painter needs an audience.
Picasso gave me the impression of a man who was aware of all that was going on about him and in the world in general, a man who reacted violently to all impacts, but had only one outlet to express his feelings: painting.
One day, he (Alberto Giacometti) introduced me to Meret Oppenheim, a beautiful young girl whose family had escaped from Germany to Switzerland, the country of Giacometti's origin. Whenever she could get to Paris, it was to sit with the Surrealists. She created a sensation with her fur-lined cup, saucer and spoon. Meret was one of the most uninhibited women I have ever met.
...one with three pairs of eyes. It might have passed for a Surrealist version of the Medusa. She was enchanted with this one — said I had portrayed her soul, and ordered dozens of prints.
Even when she sleeps, she smiles.
Montebello has used a single sentence to describe the artist’s importance to him: “Il m’apprend la simplicité des choses (He teaches me the simplicity of things).”
那晚我回到家,思绪恍惚, 艺术和爱情向我展现出巨大的可能性。
I went home that night with my head in a whirl, immense possibilities opened before me both in art and in love.
Painting is directed by the heart through the eye. Photography is directed by the mind through the eye. But desire and love for the subject directs both mediums.
在绘画中,我试图运用技巧和新的技术来跟上思维的速度, 但绘制的过程仍然落后于脑中的想法,就如它也落后于我们的感知。
In painting, with skill and new techniques, I sought to keep up with the rapidity of thought, but the execution still lags behind the mind as it does behind perception.
"Some Americans I met later shook their heads sadly, saying France was no longer the same. I pointed out that it was we who had changed during the past twenty years... I found the country just the same, with its gardens and outward aspects intact; inwardly, even, the French mentality was the same as always. It still regarded all necessities of life as luxuries, and luxuries as indispensable necessities." - Man Ray
"While some are satisfied with the effort to please, there are others who wish to surprise." - Man Ray
“We danced. Juliet was like a feather in my arms, she had studied modern dancing with MarthaGraham.” - Man Ray
“California is a beautiful prison; I like being here, but I cannot forget my previous life, and long for the day when I can return to New York and eventuallly to France." - Man Ray
"New York was always twenty years behind Paris in its appreciation of contemporary art, and California was twenty years behind New York." - Man Ray
“She created a sensation with her fur-lined cup, saucer and spoon. Meret was one of the most uninhibited women I have ever met.”—Man Ray
"He'd like to get some original pictures of his mannequins and gowns, something different,not like the stuff turned out by the usual fashion photographers...This was to be the picture, I decided; I'd combine art and fashion." - Man Ray
“我爱着你,如此疯狂却又充满猜忌,超越了我对其他任何事物的热爱……只有这件事我无法改变,那便是对你未曾减弱的炽热的爱与激情,无论是在工作、玩乐还是缠绵中,或者说这三者是难解难分的。” ——节选自曼·雷写给李·米勒的信
"I have loved you terribly, jealously; it has reduced every other passion in me...one thing I shall not be able to change is this intensity with you, and sustained enthusiasm, whether in work, play or love-making, or rather all three inseparably joined." - Excerpt from Man Ray's letter to Lee Miler
"In spite of my resolution not to get involved again, I had at this time made the acquaintance of a beautiful young mulatto dancer, Adrienne, from the French colony of Guadeloupe. We were in love, and were received by the others in the south with open arms." -Man Ray, Self-Portrait
“我为侯爵夫人(卡萨提)拍摄的照片传遍了整个巴黎;来自上层名流圈的人们纷纷找我为他们拍照,都期待着我能够在此创造奇迹。” ——曼·雷
"The picture of the Marquise went all over Paris; sitters began coming in — people from the more exclusive circles, all expecting miracles from me." - Man Ray
“吉吉在屏风后宽衣,她走了出来,将她的手端庄地放在身前,就如安格尔的绘画《泉》中的女子一般。她的形体能够激发任何一位学院派画家的灵感。” ——曼·雷《自画像》
"Kiki undressed behind a screen... and came out, modestly holding her hand in front of her, exactly like Ingres's painting of La Source. Her body would have inspired any academic painter." - Man Ray, Self-Portrait
"Dada is a state of mind." - Man Ray
"I work on what I like, I’m free. I came to France because it is the birthplace of photography. And I love Paris: it is the friendliest city one where you have the most complete sense of freedom." - Man Ray
"I considered the painting of a picture the acme of human accomplishment; even today, the conviction still persists. At least I consider all artists as privileged and sacred beings, whatever they produce." - Man Ray
“一切都可以被光线转化、变形、湮灭。” —— 曼·雷
“Everything can be transformed, deformed, and obliterated by light.” - Man Ray