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本书标签: 现代 







作者只怪世事无常,少年出走半生,归来已非少年。 此时的少年, 看春风无常,看夏蝉易逝,看秋风寂寥 , 看冬雪凄凉, 看满身富贵皆空叹,看不公不允无奈何。 难再少年............



作者五、我生平只记得你的姓名,和支离破碎的光阴,以及油灯下写给你的信。 All I remember in my life is your name, your fragmented time, and the letter I wrote to you under the oil lamp.

作者是因为喜欢你,顺带喜欢整个夏天。 Because I like you, and by the way I like the whole summer.

作者想偷星光放你眼底,折射出我所有的爱意。 I want to steal the stars and put it under your eyes, reflecting all my love.

作者It is not that I stay up late, but that the night needs my bright star. 不是我熬夜,是黑夜需要我这颗璀璨明亮的星。

作者Want to be the light hidden in your heart 想成为你心里偷偷藏起来的光。

作者如果你见到有人没有笑,那你就给他们一个微笑。 If you see someone who doesn't smile, give them a smile.

作者我的眼泪也曾掷地有声,你何尝唤过我姓名。 My tears have been loud, you have never called my name.

作者太阳下山了夜里也有灯打开,你看,这世界不坏。 When the sun goes down, there are lights on at night. You see, the world is not bad.

作者The moon on the sea is the moon in the sky, and the man in front of me is my sweetheart. 愿一切为之努力的事情, 都有浪漫的结果。

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