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1、我特别想和他过冬天 和他在跨年的时候一起倒数零点 把鼻子冻得通红的和他说我好爱他

2、请保持热爱 奔赴下一场山海 即使年年不见也要岁岁平安

3、看新一轮的光怪陆离 江湖海底 和你一起。

4、我本来想送你一个超级可爱的跨年礼物的 可是快递员不让我钻进箱子

5、今年依然是作业陪我跨年 它追了我好多年我也不想和它在一起

6、人老了 钱没了 一句卧槽过年了

7、奈何本人没文化 年年都是新年快乐

8、错过了秋枫和冬雪 会迎来春天的樱花吧 今年的遗憾 来年一定会实现的

9、如果所有人都祝你新年快乐 那我祝你遍历山河仍觉得人间值得

10、垂死病中惊坐起 苟延残喘又一年

11、新的一年 会有始料不及的运气 突如其来的惊喜

12、要陪在值得的人身边 一年又一年 十年又十年

13、喜欢今天 我又多了一个抱你的理由

14、在乎的不是陪我跨年的人 而是跨过多年依旧还在的人

15、我托人间寄讯 邀雪称庆 为你捎来清佳冬令

16、待凛冬离去 雪融草青 相信一定会有新的相逢将温暖延续

17、多谢大家在这一年的照顾和喜欢 这是我应得的



Even if I don't see you every year, I want to be safe every year!

No.2、今年有我 今年开心 年年有我 年年开心

I am happy this year, and I am happy every year.


Leave all regrets for the last winter of the 21st century.


Everything is renewed, old diseases should be cured, and Chang 'an Chang 'an will be restored.


Winter is over, the Milky Way is bright, and everything goes well in the new year.


Reminder: Your baby has been with you for another year ~ If you need to renew your fee in the new year, please pay in time ~


This extraordinary year is finally coming to an end.


Some people see dust, others see stars, but it doesn't matter, it's all turned over.

No.9、12月有太多的盼头了盼平安夜 圣诞 倒计时 过年 烟花 回家和你

In December, there is too much to look forward to. I hope that Christmas Eve and Christmas countdown will come home with you.

No.10、这一年遇见获得失去成长释怀完结 我与旧事归于尽来年依旧迎花开。

This year's meeting, getting lost, growing up, letting go of it, I'll die with the old things, and the next year will still welcome flowers.

No.11、好好待在我身边 不久以后就是 圣诞 跨年 元旦 除夕 还有春节的第一场烟火 你好好爱我 我好好爱你 就像这样重复一年又一年

Stay by my side. Soon after, it will be Christmas, New Year's Eve and the first fireworks of the Spring Festival. You love me and I love you, just like this, it will be repeated year after year.


If things go against your wishes, there must be other arrangements. I hope the regret this year will be the surprise next year.

No.13、这平凡的一年要结束了身边还是旧的人接下 来就是假期团聚新年和好久不见的我们.

This ordinary year is coming to an end, and there are still old people around us. Next, holidays, reunion, New Year and long-lost us.

No.14、下下下下个星期就真的要跨年了 你会和我蹲点吗会和我一起看烟花吗会和我岁 岁年年吗.

It's really New Year's Eve next week. Will you stay with me? Will you watch fireworks with me? Will you stay with me year after year?


Win every year, and be happy every year.


People around you who are nagging will also become people every year.

No.17、新的一年 祝我们都能在鸡零狗碎里找到闪闪的快乐所得皆所期 所失皆无碍.

In the new year, I wish we can all find shining happiness in the chicken and dog pieces, and all the gains we get will be lost.

No.18、想扔的东西扔了 想断的关系断了 新的一年 别再犹豫.

Throw away what you want to throw away, and don't hesitate when the relationship you want to break is over for a new year.

No.19、听说跨年要和圆脸的女孩一起过这样预示着 2022年圆圆满满团团圆圆所以你愿意和我一起 吗.

I heard that I'm going to spend New Year's Eve with a girl with a round face, which indicates that the year 2022 will be full and round, so would you like to join me?

No.20、这一年 口罩 36.5°C 遇见 获得 失去 成长 释怀 完结 我与旧事归于尽 来年依旧迎花开.

This year, when the mask was at 36.5°C, I lost my growth and let go, and I ended up with the old things, and the flowers will still bloom next year.

No.21、2022的愿望就是有人陪着我 陪我跨年 陪我喝奶茶 陪我看电影 听我讲心事 我想说的是别像2021怎么糟了.

The wish of 2022 is that someone will accompany me, drink milk tea with me, watch movies with me and listen to my heart. What I want to say is don't be as bad as 2021.


Everyone wishes you a happy new year, then I wish you: every year that has passed is worth it.

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