Why do you want to be with me in life
All I want, group line of smooth road, more joy, Chang'an Ning
As young as we are, we gallop freely like a wild storm, where angels dare not approach us.
I wish to go all the way to the place where you and I go before.
用无所谓的语气 遮盖住我偷偷追的梦
Cover up my dream with indifferent tone
I dreamed that a flower seller told me that people should be happy before they can see roses.
No. 3 road is still endless, and the trees are still luxuriant. They were young when the sun was just shining and the wind was blowing through the forest
王冠会让戴上他的人高人一等,是权利和地位的象征 但王冠的真正意义是当灾难从天降临时,我会抵挡一切,让你们只看见金色的希望
The crown is a symbol of power and status. But the real meaning of the crown is that when disaster comes from heaven, I will resist everything and let you see only the golden hope.
Dusk is neither day nor night. I try hard but I can't see your face clearly.
There is no light in the moonlight, only because of him
Stars are not heroes, they are scattered in the dark night that people don't like, they are a group of lonely and brave soldiers
XXX is so mean. Forget it, XXX will live a long life
The reason why ideal is ideal is not that we can touch it on tiptoe, but that even if we can't reach the other side, we will strive for it
年年有风 风吹年年 慢慢即漫漫.
It's windy every year, it's slow every year.
日日无事 事复日日 忙忙亦茫茫
Every day without everything, every day busy also boundless
日日升日 日落日日 旧旧依久久
The day rises, the day sets, the day goes by for a long time
岁岁落暮 暮坠轮轮 暮暮即慕慕.
Every year falls, every evening falls, every evening falls.
朝朝辞暮 尔尔辞晚 碎碎念安安.
I leave you in the morning, I leave you in the evening, and I miss you in the evening.
心理学上说:我们故意避开的人 往往都是在乎的人 下意
In fact, every time people talk about you, I secretly listen carefully.
The sun is great because it can light up the dust