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殇璃我会一直陪在你身边,你可以一次次向我确认。 I will always be with you, you can to me again and again.

殇璃渐渐温柔,克制,朴素,不问,不怨,不记。 Gradually gentle, restrained, simple, do not ask, do not complain, do not remember.

殇璃如果你是暴雨,那我撑着伞爱你。 If you are a rainstorm, I love you with an umbrella.

殇璃不出意外的话,我们这次分别再也不会遇见了。 Without a surprise, we will never meet again this time.

殇璃我希望今天是晴天,天气预报也这么说的… 可是它打了我最怕的雷。 I hope it is sunny today, and the weather forecast says so... but it hit me the mt thunderous.

殇璃我就这样坐着,生活给我什么我就接着,拿走什么我就看着。 I just sit like this, I will continue what life gives me, and I will watch what I take away.

殇璃缺爱的人在收到礼物时不是感到惊喜,而是盘算着怎么报答。 The person who lacks love is not surprised he receives a gift, but is thinking about how to repay.

殇璃在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。 Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason.

殇璃人因不惜而散,茶因不饮而凉。 People are willing to leave, tea is cold because they don't drink.

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